Halo pillar of autumn map
Halo pillar of autumn map

halo pillar of autumn map

Stay back and to the left to avoid the two Jackal Snipers in the Deployable lookout tower with Needle Rifles. Head into the damaged building on the right and drop your Rocket Launcher for an M45 Tactical Shotgun, remember you left it here because you're going to come back for it. On a side note here, should you approach the bridge and see a Phantom pulling away, back up as it will fire on you and kill you.You're going to need to be fast and use brake sliding to make some of the turns but you shouldn't ever need to engage any enemies here. Follow the road and don't stop for anything. Now fill up your DMR ammo and get on the Mongoose. Use the DMR to finish off the Ultra if you haven't already. Once across the bridge in the building on the right are M392 Designated Marksman Rifles and M41 Rocket Launchers. Use whatever ammo and Grenades you have to delay or wound the Elite (if you can kill him so much the better). If you can't get the assassination continue clearing out the Grunts and Jackals until they're gone then quickly work your way across the bridge. If you are very lucky the Elite Ultra will come over the bridge but be focused on Emile allowing you to assassinate him.

halo pillar of autumn map

Once the Elite is dead, proceed to pick off the Grunts and Jackals while circling around the Truck to the left. If you don't get him, revert and do it again, because it just makes doing this part easier. Once you're at the bottom, slip right and assassinate the Elite Major. Equip your M6G Pistol, and go left, over the edge and down the rock face. To the right of the bridge you'll see an Elite Ultra with a Concussion Rifle and some Grunt Ultras, there are also some Jackal Majors scattered around the bridge. You'll soon see a squad of Spec-Ops Grunts with an Elite Major directly below you. Advance until you can see the Pillar of Autumn in the distance. Getting there is going to be an issue though. Once More Unto the Breach (Mission Start) Not Rain, Nor Heat, Nor Your Ugly Ass Shall Keep Me From My Duty 4.1 This is Why They Call Me Hyper Lethal.3.2 Face It, We Will Deliver This Package.3 This Town Isn't Big Enough (Rally Point Alpha).2.1 Not Rain, Nor Heat, Nor Your Ugly Ass Shall Keep Me From My Duty.

halo pillar of autumn map

  • 2 Once More Unto the Breach (Mission Start).

  • Halo pillar of autumn map