Revenge of the enemies
Revenge of the enemies

revenge of the enemies revenge of the enemies

Many of the spells are simply massively overtuned, and can kill you almost instantly, with no windup or telegraphing. Since these are also often point blank area of effect shouts, you'll almost certainly end up having to load an old save or turn no clip on every so often to find a missing key or valuable piece of loot. Some of the shouts have havok values that launch objects all over the place. It would be better to directly address the overpowered resist stacking of the base game, than to seemingly arbitrarily have some spells ignore it and others not. Then, a resist ignoring spell comes in and one shots me. If I'm fighting normal enemies, and put on 80% resist, I might turn up the incoming damage slider 5x and end up in a balanced place. Many of the spells ignore resist - this makes setting a base difficulty that keeps both enemies with those spells and normal enemies challenging almost impossible, assuming you intend to use resist gear. Many of the enemies are damage sponges who do huge burst damage, leading to a very repetitive style of picking away at an enemy by kiting or circling around objects to abuse AI. However, it has a number of what I consider serious flaws. There are elements of RotE that may make it worth using, as it does add more difficult and challenging encounters.

Revenge of the enemies